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Accessibility of Electronic Communications Services

ComReg has published an Information Notice on Accessibility for Electronic Communications Services (ComReg 25/04)

ComReg previously introduced a number of measures relating to the accessibility of ECS (ComReg’s Measures):


Our Information Notice sets out a summary of the responses received to ComReg’s Call for Input[1] as well as ComReg’s current position on its measures and some details regarding the European Accessibility Act (“EAA”)[2].

In the Information Notice, we note that since the introduction of ComReg’s Measures, and the publication of the Call for Inputs, there have been both technological and legislative advances which seek to ensure further accessibility for end-users with disabilities when accessing electronic communications services.

This includes the introduction of the European Accessibility Act (“EAA”).This means that as of 28 June 2025, Service Providers will have to comply with the requirements of the EAA as well as the requirements of ComReg’s measures.

The accessibility requirements of the EAA are not yet in force.  However, ComReg understands that Service Providers are preparing for their implementation after 28 June 2025.  ComReg is therefore not proposing changes to ComReg’s Measures at this time.  ComReg will monitor EAA implementation by Service Providers in accordance with its remit.

ComReg’s Measures remain enforce, and Service Providers remain obliged to comply with those measures.

Accessible formats

If the Information Notice is required in an alternative format please contact  our Access Officer, see the contact details below.

Additionally, ComReg will issue  ISL video version of this Information Notice as soon as it is available[3]. ComReg will also issue a summary of the Information notice at the same time as the ISL video.

Access Officer

ComReg’s Access Officer can be contacted in the following ways:

Email: access@comreg.ie

Post: Access Officer, Commission for Communications Regulation, One Dockland Central, Guild Street, Dublin, D01 E4X0

Tel:  018049639

[1] Summary Document at https://www.comreg.ie/publication/measures-to-support-equivalent-access-to-and-choice-of-electronic-communications-services-ecs-for-people-with-disabilities

[2] The European Accessibility Act, Directive 2019/882, the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth transposed the European Accessibility Act into national law from 28 June 2025 ComReg has a new function as a Compliance Authority for EAA under S.I. 636/2023 (Statutory Instrument giving effect to the accessibility requirements of the Directive).

[3] ComReg expect to issue the Summary Information notice in ISL video format in March 2025 when they are expected to be available.


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