While many consumers may find online bills and usage tools convenient, some may have difficulties accessing and using their bill electronically for a variety of reasons particular to them. If you cannot access and use an electronic bill, you are entitled to a paper bill.
Voice Only Phone Services
If you have a voice only service and do not have broadband, you are entitled to a paper bill in the post, free-of-charge, from your phone service provider.
Phone and Internet Services
You can request paper billing, free of charge, from your service provider if you:
- cannot reasonably access or use an electronic bill after you receive it;
- have a disability.
Once a customer can access and use an electronic bill, service providers may provide electronic bills by default, or they may switch their customers to “paperless” billing.
You can also request a paper bill from your service provider if you can access an online bill but you wish to also have a paper bill, however, you may be charged a fee.
What is paperless billing?
Your electronic or “paperless” bill from your service provider may be:
- Sent to you by email; or
- Made available through your online account; or
- Made available through a mobile app.
Your service provider must let you know when your electronic bill is available online.
Prepaid Services
If you have a pre-paid service, you are entitled to request your transaction details from your service provider. Your service provider must give you these:
- free of charge;
- in a format that you can access; and
- within a reasonable period of time.
We have a page on our website with advice and information on billing, which includes information on methods of billing.