This consultation and draft decision (‘Draft Decision’) relates primarily to a further specification (and with some amendments ) to the price control obligations and transparency obligations in relation to:
- The Wholesale Local Access at a fixed location (‘WLA’) market (‘WLA Market’) (also referred to as ‘Market 3a’ in the 2014 European Commission Markets Recommendation (‘2014 Commission Recommendation’)) as set out in Consultation Document 16/96 (referred to throughout this document as the ‘WLA / WCA Market Review’).
- The Wholesale Central Access for mass market products (‘WCA’) market (also referred to as ‘Market 3b’ in the 2014 Commission Recommendation) as set out in the WLA / WCA Market Review.
This consultation has now closed
Ms. Claire Kelly
Commission for Communications Regulation
1 Dockland Central,
Guild Street,
Dublin 1
D01 E4X0
Phone: + 353 – 1 804 9600
Fax: + 353 – 1 – 804 9680
Email: wholesaleconsult@comreg.ie
Please note ComReg will publish all respondents’ submissions with the Response to this Consultation, subject to the provisions of ComReg’s guidelines on the treatment of confidential information in ComReg Document No 05/24.