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ComReg welcomes commencement of the Communications Regulation and Digital Hub Development Agency (Amendment) Act 2023

ComReg Chair and Commissioner Robert Mourik welcomed the commencement the Communications Regulation and Digital Hub Development Agency (Amendment) Act 2023.

“ComReg welcomes commencement of the Communications Regulation and Digital Hub Development Agency (Amendment) Act 2023 and the EU (Electronic Communications Code) Regulations 2022 as an important milestone in the development of telecoms regulation in Ireland. This legislation will transpose the European Electronic Communications Code and ensure that the telecoms regulatory framework in Ireland is strengthened in this digital age.

“This legislative package brings ComReg’s regulatory powers into line with those of other Irish regulators, and with telecoms regulators across the EU. It will give ComReg more effective regulatory tools to carry out its mandate. ComReg welcomes the introduction of a substantial number of new consumer protection measures in the legislation which provide for the establishment of minimum quality of service standards, a new compensation scheme that will entitle consumers to compensation for failings by operators, and an enhanced alternative dispute resolution mechanism for consumers. This legislation will benefit consumers, businesses and ultimately for the economy and society as a whole. Once all supporting Statutory Instruments are also in place, this legislative package will enable ComReg to exercise the full range of new powers provided for in the legislation.”

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