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Consultation deadline extended to 15 November for the review of Service Provider Accessibility Requirements

Women walking through the city and sending message with smartphone.
Consultation is closed

ComReg is seeking your views on the obligations on service providers to ensure that people with disabilities can choose and use phone and internet services with confidence. There are general consumer protections in place to support all consumers and ComReg also has specific measures in place to ensure people with disabilities have the same access to and choice of phone and internet services as those who don’t have disabilities.

ComReg is reviewing these measures and has published a Call for Inputs and a summary document as part of its review on 4 September 2023. We are extending the deadline for submissions to 5pm on 15 November 2023. Details of the extension are available here.

See Service Provider Accessibility Requirements for more information and to view the Irish Sign Language videos.

We will consider the responses we receive and once we have completed this process, we may issue a further public consultation or a publication.


To make a submission please contact us by post or email:

Subject Line: Submissions to ComReg 23/80

Email: retailconsult@comreg.ie

Address: Retail and Consumer Services, Commission for Communications Regulation

One Dockland Central, Guild Street, Dublin 1, D01 E4X0, Ireland

Deadline for responses to this Call for Inputs (ComReg 23/80): 5pm on 15 November 2023

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