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ComReg Trends Report Q1 2005, prepared by Amarach Consulting

Market Commentary
Posted: 29th April 2005
Reference Number: 05/34a

ComReg welcomes reductions in eircom co-location charges

Media Release
Posted: 21st April 2005
Reference Number: PR210405

Irish Telephony Numbering & Dialling Plan Status Report April 2005

Information Notice
Posted: 20th April 2005
Reference Number: 05/33

National Numbering Conventions - Version 5.0; Marked-up Draft

Posted: 20th April 2005
Reference Number: 05/32a

Consultation: Updated Numbering Conventions V5

Posted: 20th April 2005
Reference Number: 05/32

ComReg launches new initiative to stimulate access to wireless-based Wideband Services

Media Release
Posted: 14th April 2005
Reference Number: PR140405

Wideband Digital Mobile Data in the 420 MHZ and 900 MHZ bands

Consultation Response
Posted: 14th April 2005
Reference Number: 05/31

ComReg consults on future strategy for the telecoms sector

Media Release
Posted: 5th April 2005
Reference Number: PR050405

Forward-looking Strategic Review of the Irish Telecoms Sector

Posted: 5th April 2005
Reference Number: 05/30