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ComReg says emerging alternative technologies can deliver high speed services

Media Release
Posted: 15th September 2003
Reference Number: PR150903

Green Paper on Services of General Interest: ComReg response to consultation

Comreg Submission
Posted: 15th September 2003
Reference Number: 03/112

Payphone Access Charge, Industry Implementation - Response to Consultation & Decision Notice D19/03

Consultation Response,Decision
Posted: 15th September 2003
Reference Number: 03/111

Developments in ICT Networking Technology - Compendium of Briefing Notes

Briefing Note
Posted: 15th September 2003
Reference Number: 03/110

Interim Rates for NTC Services effective from 1st October 2003.

Information Notice
Posted: 12th September 2003
Reference Number: 03/109

ComReg Quarterly Report shows growing interest in internet services

Media Release
Posted: 9th September 2003
Reference Number: PR090903

Quarterly Market Commentary, September 2003 - Residential follow-up Postal Survey

Market Commentary,Quarterly Report
Posted: 9th September 2003
Reference Number: 03/108f

Quarterly Market Report, September 2003 -Residential Postal Survey

Market Commentary,Quarterly Report
Posted: 9th September 2003
Reference Number: 03/108e

Quarterly Market Report, September 2003 -Business Postal Survey

Market Commentary,Quarterly Report
Posted: 9th September 2003
Reference Number: 03/108d