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  • Information Notice

Information Notice Mobile Data Traffic Forecast for Ireland (2024-2028)

Information Notice
Posted: 12th July 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/58

Network Operations Annual Report 2023

Information Notice
Posted: 26th June 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/53

Implementation of EU Open Internet Access Regulations in Ireland - 2024 Report

Information Notice
Posted: 20th June 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/51

ComReg Broadband Checker

Information Notice
Posted: 20th June 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/50

Weighted Average Cost of Capital (“WACC”) Annual Update - 2024

Information Notice
Posted: 20th June 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/49

Satellite Earth Station Licensing Guidelines

Information Notice
Posted: 17th June 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/48

Quarterly Key Data Report Q1 2024

Information Notice
Posted: 6th June 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/44

Users’ Guide for ComReg’s Portal for Reporting Security Incidents

Information Notice,Guidelines
Posted: 31st May 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/41

Information Notice - ComReg's Independent Comparison Tool - Development Project

Information Notice
Posted: 28th May 2024
Reference Number: ComReg 24/40