Vodafone Ireland Limited (“Vodafone”) has paid ComReg a penalty of €250,000 after an investigation found that the manner in which Vodafone had signed up
Pay As You Go (“PAYG”) customers to its “Red Roaming” package was in breach of Regulation 14(4) of the Universal Service Regulations and ComReg Decision D13/122 on Contract Change Notifications.
Vodafone has accepted that it breached the relevant provisions and has paid the penalty in full.
Vodafone has confirmed that it has credited over €2,500,000 to those customers who did not benefit financially from being opted into Red Roaming when they roamed.
ComReg will continue to monitor compliance with consumer rights legislation and to investigate as appropriate consumer complaints whether arising in respect of Regulation 14(4) of the Universal Service Regulations, ComReg Decision D13/12 or otherwise.
Read the full Information Notice in the Publications section of our website.