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Irish Text Relay Service usage report published

ComReg has published the Irish Text Relay Service (ITRS) Take-up and Usage statistics report for the period July – December 2023.

The Irish Text Relay Service (ITRS) ensures that those of us who are deaf, hard-of-hearing or speech-impaired, are able to make and receive calls independently. ITRS is available to customers of Eir, Sky, Tesco Mobile, Three, Virgin Media and Vodafone.

The following infographic contains an overview of the report. An accessible pdf version of the infographic is available by clicking here.

Infographic on using the Irish Text Relay Service (ITRS) to make and receive calls, take up and usage statistics and quality of service indicators. Details are available in the text that accompanies infographic.

How ITRS works

For the text to voice service:

  • a deaf or speech impaired person types,
  • an ITRS Assistant talks, and
  • a hearing person listens.

For the voice to text service:

  • a hearing person talks,
  • an ITRS Assistant types, and
  • a deaf or speech impaired person reads.

Take up and usage statistics

Volumes indicate a 3% increase in text to voice calls between 2022 and 2023.

Volumes also indicate a 26% decrease in voice to text calls for the same period.

The following table contains the take up and usage statistics for text to voice and voice to text from 2020 to 2023.

Calls and TextsText to VoiceVoice to Text

Quality of Service Indicators

Abandoned calls means the rate at which end- users of ITRS cancel an attempt to make an ITRS call through the ITRS service. The abandoned call rate for ITRS calls is no more than 5% of calls per calendar month.

Service level is measured by the percentage of calls answered by the ITRS agent within 20 seconds of the call being made to them.

The following table contains the quality-of-service indicators for text to voice and voice to text from 2020 to 2023.

Text to VoiceVoice to Text
% Abandoned% Service Level% Abandoned% Service Level


For further information, visit itrs.ie.

ITRS opening hours are:

08:30-18:30 Monday-Thursday

09:00-21:00 Friday and Saturday

10:00-18:00 Sunday and Public Holidays


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