3.6 GHz Band Transition


Prior to the 3.6 GHz Spectrum Award the 3.6 GHz Band was used to provide wireless broadband services (and phone services in some cases) to 21,665 existing customers, predominantly in rural areas. In those areas the existing operators may have been the only available provider of broadband services to homes and schools.

In order to ensure continued services for those existing customers who were at risk of losing their service while Winning Bidders prepared for the deployment of their services (e.g. trials), ComReg developed a Transition licensing framework which it consulted upon extensively with interested parties and implemented by way of the rules of the Award, which all participants to the Award agreed to be bound by. These rules are contained in the 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Award Information Memorandum (Document 16/71) (“IM”).

Essentially, this Transition licensing framework allows existing operators to continue to provide services to their customers until such time that Winning Bidders are ready to roll-out commercial services. The principles underpinning this framework can be summarised as follows:

  • minimise the potential for disruption to existing consumer services;
  • introduce liberalised licences as soon as possible not unnecessarily delaying the delivery of future liberalised services;
  • maximise benefits to end users; and
  • ensure the efficient use of spectrum during the Transition period.

ComReg is actively engaging with Winning Bidders and existing operators in order to develop and implement appropriate Transition Plans, which are progressed and prioritised where Winning Bidders have sufficiently-developed plans to roll-out new services.

Considerable progress has been made in the orderly transition of the 3.6 GHz Band and this progress has facilitated the commencement of spectrum rights for all new 3.6 GHz Band licensees to varying degrees. On the 25 June 2019 ComReg commenced Local Transition Plans that will allow Vodafone to begin providing commercial services from ten sites and require Imagine to transition to its new 3.6 GHz spectrum assignment to facilitate Vodafone’s rollout.

Following correspondence from Dense Air, ComReg accepted the surrender of Dense Air’s 3.6 GHz Band licence with effect from Wednesday 31 July 2024.

This spectrum rights returned by Dense Air are:

  • 25 MHz nationwide in the 3410–3435 MHz part of the 3.6 GHz band; and
  • 35 MHz in the urban regions of Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway and Waterford, in the 3580–3615 MHz part of the 3.6 GHz band.

3.6 GHz Band Transition Progress Reports

To date, ComReg has published three reports which provide interested parties with an update on the progress of 3.6 GHz Band Transition and associated Transition Activities by Existing Licensees and Winning Bidders.

For further information on 3.6 GHz Band Transition please see the following sections below:

  • 3.6 GHz Band Transition – Highlights of Progress to Date
    • Commencement of Lots under 3.6 GHz Band Liberalised Use Licences.
    • Current Transition Plans.
    • Transition Service Areas.
    • Refunds to Winning Bidders due to Delayed Commencement and Transition Licence Fees Received.
  • Timeline of 3.6 GHz Band Transition Developments

3.6 GHz Band Transition – Highlights of Progress to Date

Commencement of Lots under 3.6 GHz Band Liberalised Use Licences

Following completion of transition activities by Transition Licensees in the areas and frequency ranges affected, ComReg has commenced Lots in Regions under 3.6 GHz Band Liberalised Use Licences as follows. The tables show the frequency assignments and associated regions for each licence granted to date.

The colours in the tables indicate the following:

Green – Lots that have commenced.

Pink – Lots that have not yet commenced.

Amber – Lots that ComReg offered to commence, but were declined by the relevant licensee.

Blue  – Lots no longer refunded in line with para 2.75 of the IM: Delayed availability of Lots caused by Winning Bidder.

Black – Lots that are not applicable.

Transition Service Areas

Under Transition Licences existing licensees are permitted to operate in local service areas, referred to as Transition Service Areas, where they previously operated under the 3.6 GHz Band FWALA licensing scheme which ceased following the Award on 31 July 2017. At the start of Transition, all Transition Service Areas (TSAs) had a 20 km radius boundary around a defined centre point. As Transition has progressed, the area of some TSAs has been reduced to reflect completion of Transition activities which affect only part of a TSA and to facilitate ongoing Transition Activities in the remainder of the TSA.

From the 292 TSAs of existing licensees at the start of transition, data as at 1 October 2024 indicates that:

  • 241 TSAs (83%) have been cancelled;
  • 45 TSAs (16%) are current but have been modified (in frequency or area); and
  • 6 TSAs (3%) are current and remain unaltered.

A copy of the current list of Transition Service Areas based on the information above is available for download HERE.

Refunds to Winning Bidders due to Delayed Commencement and Transition Licence Fees Received

All participants in the Award, including Winning Bidders, understood and accepted that:

  • they would be bidding to acquire rights to ‘brownfield’ spectrum, which was being used for the provision of wireless broadband services to existing customers in certain parts of the State;
  • there was a potential for delayed access to any and all new spectrum rights in the 3.6 GHz Band, as ComReg expressly put Interested Parties on notice of this and stipulated that, in submitting an Application to participate in the Award, Applicants acknowledge and accept same; and
  • Winning Bidders would be provided a refund in respect of any such delayed access by means of a refund for adjustment of fees, to be calculated on a pro-rata basis, as set out in section 2.4.7 of the 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Award Information Memorandum.

Timeline of 3.6 GHz Band Transition Developments

January 2025

  • 1 January 2025
    • Imagine completed transition in two TSAs.

December 2024

  • 19 December 2024
    • ComReg issued a renewed Transition Protected Licence to Imagine for the period 1 January to 31 March 2025.

October 2024

  • 15 October 2024
    • ComReg issued a renewed Transition Protected Licence to Imagine for the period 1 October 2024 to 31 December 2024.

September 2024

  • 30 September 2024
    • Imagine completed transition in three TSAs.

July 2024

  • 31 July 2024
    • Dense Air Surrendered its 3.6 GHz Band Licence.
  • 9 July 2024
    • ComReg issued a renewed Transition Protected Licence to Imagine for the period 1 July to 30 September 2024.
  • 1 July 2024
    • Following Imagine’s transition from 4 TSAs as of 30 June 2024, ComReg commenced Lots B6-B7 (3500-3510 MHz) in the South West Region under Vodafone’s 3.6 GHz Band Liberalised Use Licence.

April 2024

  • 5 April 2024
    • ComReg issued a renewed Transition Protected Licence to Imagine for the period 1 April to 30 June 2024.

December 2024

  • 18 December 2023
    • ComReg issued a renewed Transition Protected Licence to Imagine for the period 1 January to 31 March 2024.

October 2023

  • 18 October 2023
    • ComReg issued a renewed Transition Protected Licence to Imagine for the period 1 October to 31 December 2023.
  • 1 October 2023
    • Following Imagine’s transition from 3 TSAs as of 30 September 2023, ComReg commenced Lots B14-B17 (3540-3560 MHz) in the Borders, Midlands and West Region under Vodafone’s 3.6 GHz Band Liberalised Use Licence.

July 2023

  • 28 July 2023
    • ComReg issued a renewed Transition Protected Licence to Imagine for the period 1 July to 30 September 2023.
  • 1 July 2023
    • Following Imagine’s transition from 5 TSAs as of 30 June 2023, ComReg commenced Lots B14-B20 (3540-3575 MHz) in the Waterford City and Suburbs Region under Vodafone’s 3.6 GHz Band Liberalised Use Licence.

April 2023

  • 21 April 2023
    • ComReg issued a renewed Transition Protected Licence to Imagine for the period 1 April to 30 June 2023.
  • 1 April 2023
    • Following Imagine’s transition from 8 TSAs as of 31 March 2023, ComReg commenced further Lots under 3.6 GHz Band Liberalised Use Licences as follows:
      • Lot A1 (3410-3435 MHz) in Cork City and Suburbs Region for Dense Air
      • Lots B14-B20 (3540-3575 MHz) in Galway City and Suburbs Region for Vodafone

December 2022

  • 19 December 2022
    • ComReg granted a renewed Transition Protected Licence to Imagine for the period January to 31 March 2023.

October 2022

  • 28 October 2022
    • ComReg granted a renewed Transition Protected Licence to Imagine for the period 1 October to 31 December 2022.

September 2022

  • 30 September 2022
    • Imagine completed transition in 4 TSAs.

July 2022

  • 25 July 2022
    • ComReg granted a renewed Transition Protected Licence to Imagine for the period 1 July 2022 to 30 September 2022
  • 1 July 2022
    • Following Imagine’s transition from 9 TSAs, ComReg commenced further Lots under 3.6 GHz Band Liberalised Use Licences as follows:
      • Lots B22 to B25 in Galway City and Suburbs Region for Dense Air
      • Lots B1 & B21 in Galway City and Suburbs Region for Vodafone

April 2022

  • 1 April 2022
    • Following Imagine’s transition from 9 TSAs, ComReg commenced further Lots under 3.6 GHz Band Liberalised Use Licences as follows:
      • Lots B34 – B37 in Cork City and Suburbs Region for Meteor
      • Lots B1 – B5 in South West Region for Vodafone
    • ComReg granted a renewed Transition Protected Licence to Imagine for the period 1 April 2022 to 30 June 2022.

January 2022

  • 3 January 2022
    • ComReg granted a renewed Transition Protected Licence to Imagine for the period 1 January 2022 to 30 March 2022.

November 2021

  • 16 November 2021
    • ComReg published document 21/115 proposed lease of spectrum rights in the 3.6 GHz band from Meteor Mobile Communications Limited and Vodafone Ireland Limited to Imagine Communications Ireland Limited

October 2021

  • 1 October 2021
    • Following Imagine’s transition from 20 TSAs, ComReg commenced lots B10 – B13 (20 MHz) in the Waterford City and Suburbs region under Vodafone’s 3.6 GHz Band Liberalised Use Licence
    • ComReg granted a renewed Transition Protected Licence to Imagine for the period 1 October 2021 to 31 December 2021

September 2021

  • 13 September 2021
    • Imagine confirmed that it completed its transition of 20 TSAs
  • 8 September 2021
    • ComReg met with Vodafone for an update on its 3.6 GHz activities and its engagement with Imagine regarding transition agreement

July 2021

  • 9 July 2021
    • ComReg granted a renewed Transition Protected Licence to Imagine for the period 1 July 2021 to 30 September 2021.
  • 1 July 2021
    • Ripplecom completed its transition activities and notified ComReg that it would not be renewing its Transition Unprotected Licence after 31 July 2021.
    • Ripplecom had only one remaining Transition Service Area in the Borders, Midlands and West region of 25 MHz covering Lots B53-B57) which had already been commenced for Three in that region.

June 2021

  • 10 June 2021
    • ComReg contacted Vodafone requesting an update on whether Vodafone wished to restart the LTP process which was implemented on 25 June 2019 and suspended in March 2020 by the agreement of both parties due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Vodafone stated that it was engaging with Imagine and would update ComReg in due course.

May 2021

  • 10 May 2021
    • ComReg published document 21/46 on the Spectrum Lease Determination of the spectrum rights in the 3.6 GHz band from each of Dense Air Ireland Limited, Meteor Mobile Communications Limited and Vodafone Ireland Limited to Imagine Communications Ireland Limited.
    • Imagine confirmed that it completed its transition from 3 TSAs in the BMW region.

April 2021

  • 1 April 2021
    • Imagine submitted a notification to lease spectrum rights from Vodafone (“Proposed Vodafone Lease”). On 9 April, ComReg published Document 21/36, being a notice on same.
    • ComReg granted a renewed Transition Protected Licence to Imagine for the period 1 April 2021 to 31 July 2021.

 March 2021

  • 25 March 2021
    • Imagine submitted a notification to lease spectrum rights from Eir (“Proposed Eir Lease”). On 26 March, ComReg published Document 21/27 , being a notice on same.
  • 18 March 2021
    • Imagine submitted a notification to lease spectrum rights from Dense Air (“Proposed Dense Air Lease”). On 25 March, ComReg published Document 21/25, being a notice on same.
  • 5 March 2021
    • Imagine confirmed that it has completed its transition from 10 TSAs.
  • 1 March 2021
    • ComReg met with Imagine for an update on Imagine’s transition activities.

February 2021

  • 1 February 2021
    • Imagine has migrated from the spectrum leased at 5 of the 16 sites under the Spectrum Lease Licence with Eir and Vodafone as it continues to transition to its own 3.6 GHz spectrum rights of use.

January 2021

  • 11 January 2021
    • The Spectrum Lease Licence agreement between Imagine and Eir and Vodafone will be extended for a further three-month period from 13 January 2021 to 12 April 2021.
    • Imagine and Three have decided not to extend their Spectrum Lease Licence agreement.

December 2020

  • 21 December 2020
    • The Spectrum Lease Licence agreement between Imagine and Dense Air has been extended for a further three-month period from 22 December 2020 to 21 March 2021.

October 2020

  • 13 October 2020
    • ComReg granted a 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Lease Licence to Imagine in respect of certain spectrum rights which Eir, Three and Vodafone have agreed to lease to Imagine in certain areas. This lease licence was granted for a three-month period from 13 October 2020 to 12 January 2021.
    • The relevant lease arrangements entail Imagine leasing spectrum within several defined 20 km radius service areas as follows:
      • 20 MHz of 3IRL’s 3.6 GHz Band spectrum at one location;
      • 20 MHz of Vodafone’s 3.6 GHz Band spectrum at three locations, 40 MHz at
        one further location; and 60 MHz at another further location; and
      • 20 MHz of Meteor’s 3.6 GHz Band spectrum rights at twelve locations.
    • ComReg’s determination on the spectrum leases is set out in Document 20/97

September 2020

  • 24 September 2020
    • ComReg granted a 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Lease Licence to Imagine in respect of certain spectrum rights which Dense Air has agreed to lease to Imagine in certain areas. This lease licence was granted for a three-month period from 22 September to 21 December 2020.
    • The relevant lease arrangement entails Imagine leasing 20 MHz of Dense Air’s 3.6 GHz band spectrum rights within five defined 20 km radius service areas.
    • ComReg’s written determination on the spectrum leases is set out in Document 20/87.
  • 23 September 2020
    • ComReg met with Imagine for an update on Imagine’s transition activities.
  • 1 September 2020
    • Following PermaNet exit of the 3.6 GHz band ComReg commenced the following lots under Three’s and Eir’s 3.6 GHz Band Liberalised Use Licence as follows;
      • Three: B53 – B57 (25 MHz) in the South East and Waterford City and Suburbs Regions.
      • Eir: B34 – B37 (20 MHz) in the South West and South East Regions and B33 – B37 (25 MHz) in the Waterford City and Suburbs Region
    • Consequently:
      • Three now has 100 MHz of contiguous spectrum in each of its Regions and all of its 3.6 GHz Band Lots have now been fully commenced.
      • Eir now has 80 MHz of contiguous spectrum in the South West and South East regions and 85 MHz of contiguous spectrum in Waterford City and Suburbs.

August 2020

  • 25 August 2020
    • Further to Document 20/51 (see 22 June 2020 below), ComReg published in Document 20/77 a non-confidential version of its written determination on the proposed lease of spectrum rights in the 3.6 GHz band from each of Meteor, Three and Vodafone to Imagine.
  • 20 August 2020
    • ComReg met with Imagine for an update on Imagine’s transition activities.
  • 19 August 2020
    • ComReg published a Spectrum Lease Notification on a proposed lease of spectrum rights in the 3.6 GHz band from Dense Air Ltd to Imagine.
  • 6 August 2020
    • ComReg granted a renewed Transition Unprotected Licence to Ripplecom for the period 1 August 2020 to 31 July 2021.
    • This renewed licence reflected Ripplecom’s exit, as agreed with Eir, by end June 2020 from the frequency range 3635 MHz to 3660 MHz within its single TSA located within the BMW Region. The relevant Lots B33 – B37 had previously been commenced under Eir’s 3.6 GHz Liberalised Use Licence in most of the BMW Region and now additionally became available for use by Eir within the area of Ripplecom’s TSA.

July 2020

  • 3 July 2020
    • ComReg granted a renewed Transition Unprotected Licence to Eir for the period 1 August 2020 to 31 July 2021.

June 2020

  • 22 June 2020
    • ComReg granted a 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Lease Licence to Imagine in respect of certain spectrum rights which Eir, Three and Vodafone have agreed to lease to Imagine in certain areas. This lease licence was granted for a three-month period from 22 June to 21 September 2020.
    • The relevant lease arrangements entail Imagine leasing spectrum within several defined 20 km radius service areas as follows:
      • 20 MHz of Eir’s 3.6 GHz band spectrum rights in ten service areas, 15 MHz in one other service area, and 40 MHz in one further service area;
      • 20 MHz of Three’s 3.6 GHz band spectrum in one service area; and
      • 20 MHz of Vodafone’s 3.6 GHz band spectrum in three service areas, 40 MHz in one further service area; and 60 MHz in another service area.
    • ComReg’s determination on the spectrum leases is set out in Document 20/51.
  • 16 June 2020
    • ComReg commenced 8 lots (40 MHz) B10 – B17 in the South West region under Vodafone’s 3.6 GHz Band Liberalised Use Licence, following confirmation from Vodafone that it wished to have those lots commenced in that region.
    • Vodafone now has 40 MHz of contiguous spectrum in the South West region.
  • 15 June 2020
    • ComReg commenced Lot (5 MHz) B33 in the South West, South East and Cork City & Suburbs Regions under Eir’s 3.6 GHz Band Liberalised Use Licence, following confirmation from Eir that it wished to have that lot commenced in those regions.
  • 11 June 2020
    • ComReg met with Imagine for an update on Imagine’s transition activities during the Covid-19 restrictions.

May 2020

  • 25 May 2020
    • ComReg commenced 5 lots (25 MHz) B58 – B62 in the South East Region under Three’s 3.6 GHz Liberalised Use Licence, following confirmation from Three that it wished to have those Lots commenced.
    • Recent vacation of spectrum by permaNET in the South East Region had reduced the level of geographic impairment by TSAs of Lots B58 – B62 in the South East Region to 27%.
    • Given the resulting relatively low level of impairment of these Lots, ComReg had sought clarity from Three as to whether it now wished to have those Lots commenced. In line with paragraphs 2.76-2.78 of IM, ComReg requires a request from the licensee to commence Lots which are greater than 25% geographically impaired by TSAs.
  • 12 May 2020
    • Following the vacation of spectrum by PermaNet in Limerick and Kilkenny, ComReg commenced lots under Eir’s and Three’s 3.6 GHz Liberalised Use Licences as follows:
      • Eir: 5 lots (25 MHz MHz) B38 – B42 in each of the Limerick City and Suburbs and South East regions; and
      • Three: 5 lots (25 MHz MHz) B58 – B62 in the Limerick City and Suburbs Region.
    • Consequently:
      • Eir now has 85 MHz of contiguous spectrum in the Limerick City and Suburbs Region and two blocks (15 MHz and 40 MHz) of contiguous spectrum in the South East Region; and
      • Three now has 100 MHz of contiguous spectrum in the Limerick City and Suburbs Region.

April 2020

  • 29 April 2020
    • eNet confirmed that it had completed its transition from its remaining six TSAs the 3.6 GHz band. In that regard:
      • These TSAs affected only one New License – Three.
      • Three is no longer affected by TSAs in the frequency range 3700 – 3710 MHz (Lots B46 & B47) in the four rural Regions, except for by one TSA licensed to permaNET in the South West Region.
      • Lots B46 & B47 had previously been commenced in these Regions under Three’s 3.6 GHz Liberalised Use Licence and were only minimally affected by TSAs.
  • 16 April 2020
    • ComReg met with Imagine for an update on Imagines transition activities during the Covid-19 restrictions.

March 2020

  • 24 March 2020
    • ComReg met with Imagine for an update on Imagines transition plans following the implementation of the Covid-19 restrictions.
  • 4 March 2020
    • ComReg met with Imagine for an update on Imagines progress on transition.

February 2020

  • 25 February 2020
    • ComReg met with Imagine to discuss the progress of the transition plan.
      • Imagine outlined that they had discussed with Vodafone to submit to ComReg a joint proposal to amend the transition plan.
  • 5 February 2020
    • Following the vacation of spectrum by Enet in Laois, Offaly, Galway, Westmeath, Roscommon, Cavan and Sligo, ComReg commenced lots under Three’s 3.6 GHz Liberalised Use Licence as follows:
      • 2 lots (10 MHz) B46 – B47 in the Border, Midlands & West region
    • Three now has 100 MHz of contiguous spectrum in the Border, Midlands & West Region.

January 2020

  • 23 January 2020
    • ComReg met with Imagine for an update on Imagine’s progress on transition and its engagement with Dense Air, Eir and Vodafone to facilitate the rollout plans of those parties.
  • 16 January 2020
    • Following the vacation of spectrum by Imagine along the M1 motorway, ComReg commenced Lots under Vodafone’s 3.6 GHz Liberalised Use Licence as follows:
      • 13 lots (65 MHz) B1 – B13 in the Border, Midlands & West region
      • 13 lots (65 MHz) B1 – B13 in the East region
    • Vodafone now has 65 MHz of contiguous spectrum in the East and Border, Midlands & West regions.

December 2019

  • 16 December 2019
    • ComReg met with Dense Air to discuss Dense Air’s rollout out plans and progress and its engagement with Imagine on transition.
  • 10 December 2019
    • ComReg met with Imagine for an update on Imagine’s progress on transition and its engagement with Dense Air, Eir and Vodafone to facilitate the rollout plans of those parties.

November 2019

  • 27 November 2019
    • ComReg met with Vodafone to discuss Vodafone’s rollout out plans and progress and its engagement with Imagine on transition.
  • 20 November 2019
    • ComReg met with Imagine for an update on Imagine’s progress on transition and its engagement with Dense Air, Eir and Vodafone to facilitate the rollout plans of those parties.
  • 19 November 2019
    • Following recent vacation of spectrum in two cities by Imagine, ComReg commenced Lots under Vodafone’s 3.6 GHz Liberalised Use Licence as follows:
      • 4 lots (20 MHz) B10 – B13 in Galway City Region
      • 6 lots (30 MHz) B1 – B5 in Limerick City Region
    • Vodafone now have 60 MHz of continuous spectrum in Galway City Region and 105 MHz continuous spectrum in Limerick City Region
  • 18 November 2019
    • Following recent vacation of spectrum in two cities by Imagine, ComReg commenced Lots under Dense Air’s 3.6 GHz Liberalised Use Licence as follows:
      • 3 lots (15 MHz) B22- B25 in Cork City Region
      • 3 lots (15 MHz) B22 – B25 in Limerick City Region
    • Dense Air now have 35 MHz continuous spectrum in Cork City Region and Limerick City Region.

October 2019

  • 18 October 2019
    • Following recent vacation of spectrum in four cities by ENet, ComReg commenced Lots under Eir’s 3.6 GHz Band Liberalised Use Licence as follows:
      • 3 lots (15 MHz) B30 -B32 in Cork City Region
      • 2 lots (10 MHz) B30 – B31 in Limerick City Region
      • 2 lots (10 MHz) B30 – B31 in Galway City Region
      • 3 lots (15 MHz) B29 – B31 in Dublin City Region
  • 17 October 2019
    • As part of an agreement with Vodafone, Imagine vacated 60 MHz of 3.6 GHz Band spectrum in the Limerick City Region. Consequently, ComReg commenced the following Lots under Vodafone’s 3.6 GHz Band Liberalised Use Licence:
      • 12 Lots (60 MHz) B10 – B21 in Limerick City Region
  • 1 October 2019
    • ComReg met with Imagine to discuss its Transition Activities and engagement with Winning Bidders

September 2019

  • 30 September 2019
    • ComReg met with Three for an update on Three’s plan for rollout and to discuss its Transition Activities and engagement with Existing Licensees.
  • 23 September 2019
    • Following the agreements between Eir and Imagine the following Lots commenced under Eir’s 3.6 GHz Band Liberalised Use licence:
      • 9 lots (45 MHz) in Dublin city Region
      • 5 lots (25 MHz) in Galway City Region
    • Eir now has 70 MHz contiguous spectrum in those two regions


August 2019

  • 13 August 2019
    • Following recent vacation of spectrum in four cities by Imagine, ComReg commenced Lots under Vodafone’s 3.6 GHz Liberalised Use Licence as follows:
      • All 21 Lots in the Cork City Region
      • Eight Lots in each of the Galway and Waterford City Regions
      • Four Lots in the Limerick City Region
    • This facilitated Vodafone’s launch of 5G services in five cities. Imagine had previously vacated all spectrum for Vodafone in the Dublin City Region in June 2018.
  • 1 August 2019
    • Following recent vacation of spectrum:
      • in the South East by permaNET, ComReg commenced two Lots in the South East Region and five Lots in the Waterford City Region under Three’s 3.6 GHz Liberalised Use Licence; and
      • in Limerick by Imagine and in the South East by permaNET, ComReg commenced five Lots in the Limerick City Region and five Lots in the Waterford City Region under Eir’s 3.6 GHz Liberalised Use Licence.

July 2019

  • 31 July 2019
    • Lightnet completed transition of its one remaining TSA.
  • 17 July 2019
    • Having considered progress reports from Vodafone which indicated that Vodafone will not be completing its network transition for six of the ten sites until several weeks later than the dates identified in the LTPs for same sites, ComReg amended the relevant Commencement Dates for the six Vodafone sites and Transition Completion Dates for the relevant Imagine sites in the LTPs to reflect this new information from Vodafone.
    • In addition, in line with paragraph 2.75 of the IM, relating to non-payment of licence fee refunds in cases of delay to the availability of any Lot by a Winning Bidder, ComReg ceased paying refunds to Vodafone of Upfront Fees in respect of the relevant Lots in the BMW Region (on 20 August 2019) and South West Region (on 6 August) delayed after the original Commencement Dates as set out in the LTPs.
  • 1 July 2019
    • ComReg and Plum began development of LTPs for Eir’s proposed rollout in the band. Development of the LTPs involves input from and discussions with relevant parties.

June 2019

  • 25 June 2019
    • Start of the implementation of the Localised Transition Plans for Vodafone’s rollout of ten sites in the 3.6 GHz Band. The Localised Transition Plans require Imagine to complete all its transition activities by 5 November 2019.
  • 18 June 2019:
    • ComReg finalised and issued Localised Transition Plans for Vodafone’s rollout of ten sites in the 3.6 GHz Band.
    • Implementation of the plans is set to begin on 25 June 2019.
    • Completion of the plans will allow Vodafone to begin providing commercial services from the ten sites and will require Imagine to transition most of its existing sites to facilitate Vodafone’s rollout.
    • The successful implementation of the transition plan will require Imagine and Vodafone to actively co-operate and positively engage with the transition plan process in a timely manner to ensure that consumers experience the benefit of new services using the 3.6 GHz spectrum.
    • A non-confidential version of the Localised Transition Plans will be published on this webpage, once ComReg has received and assessed the views of both Imagine and Vodafone in relation to confidentiality matters.
    • Imagine and Vodafone recognise the importance of the transition plan process and have confirmed to ComReg on numerous occasions that they are fully committed to ensuring that any proposed transition plan is implemented seamlessly and without any undue delay.

May 2019

  • 28 May 2019:
    • ComReg received responses from Imagine and Vodafone in relation to the draft Localised Transition Plans for Vodafone’s rollout of ten sites in the 3.6 GHz Band.
  • 24 May 2019:
  • ComReg met with Eir for an update on Eir’s plans for rollout and to discuss Transition.
  • 22 May 2019:
    • ComReg met with Vodafone to discuss the development of Localised Transition Plans to facilitate Vodafone’s plans to roll out ten new sites nationally in 2019.
  • 21 May 2019:
    • ComReg issued a consultation to Imagine and Vodafone on draft Localised Transition Plans for Vodafone’s rollout of ten sites in the 3.6 GHz Band, as recommended by Plum.
  • 1 May 2019:
    • ComReg granted a renewed Transition Protected Licence to Imagine for the period 1 May 2019 to 31 July 2019.

 April 2019

  • 17 April 2019:
    • ComReg met with Vodafone to discuss the development of Localised Transition Plans to facilitate Vodafone’s plans to roll out ten new sites nationally in 2019.
  • 16 April 2019:
    • Following recent vacation of spectrum in Dublin by Airspeed, ComReg commenced four Lots in the Dublin City Region under Three’s 3.6 GHz Liberalised Use Licence.

 March 2019

  • 25 March 2019:
    • Following recent decommissioning by Imagine of its legacy WiMAX network, ComReg commenced Lot A1 in all Regions under Dense Air’s 3.6 GHz Liberalised Use Licence, except for in Cork City.
  • 5 March 2019:
    • ComReg met with Imagine to discuss Imagine’s proposed schedule for completing its Transition.

 February 2019

  • 18 February 2019:
    • ComReg met with Vodafone to discuss Vodafone’s plans to roll out ten new sites in the 3.6 GHz Band.
  • 8 February 2019:
    • Vodafone notified ComReg that it planned to bring ten new sites on air in the 3.6 GHz band in 2019.
    • ComReg began engagement with Vodafone and Imagine with a view to developing Localised Transition Plans to facilitate Vodafone’s proposed ten site rollout.
  • 1 February 2019:
    • ComReg granted a renewed Transition Protected Licence to Imagine for the period 1 February 2019 to 30 April 2019.

 January 2019

  • 8 January 2019:
    • ComReg met with Three for an update on Three’s plans for rollout and to discuss Transition.
  • 7 January 2019:
    • Following recent vacation of spectrum in several areas by Airspeed, ComReg commenced Lots under Three’s 3.6 GHz Liberalised Use Licence as follows:
      • Five Lots in each of the Cork, Limerick and Galway City Regions were commenced for Three.
  • 7 January 2019:
    • Following recent vacation of spectrum in several areas by Airspeed, ComReg commenced Lots under Meteor’s 3.6 GHz Liberalised Use Licence as follows:
      • Three Lots in the Borders, Midlands and West and South East Regions;
      • Two Lots in each of the Limerick and Galway City; and
      • One Lot in each of the Dublin and Cork City Regions.
  • 1 January 2019:
    • Following recent vacation of spectrum in the cities by Imagine and Airspeed, ComReg commenced Lots under Dense Air’s 3.6 GHz Liberalised Use Licence as follows:
      • All B Lots in the Dublin City Region; and
      • Three B Lots in all of the other City Regions

 December 2018

  • 14 December 2018:
    • Vodafone declined the commencement of all Lots in the Borders, Midlands and West Region under its 3.6 GHz Band Liberalised Use Licence, which would allow one of its pilot sites in the Region to come on air. Imagine had confirmed its vacation of the frequency range 3475 – 3560 MHz at the site in line with LTP1.
  • 9 December 2018:
    • Airspeed notified ComReg that it had completed transition works which freed up spectrum for Eir and Three in several Regions.

 November 2018

  • 22 November 2018:
    • ComReg met with permaNET for an update on permaNET’s plans for Transition.
  • 21 November 2018:
    • ComReg commenced all Lots the South East Region under Vodafone’s 3.6 GHz Band Liberalised Use Licence as Imagine had confirmed its vacation

of the frequency range 3475 – 3560 MHz at a number of sites in the Region to facilitate Vodafone’s bringing on air of three pilot sites in the Region in line with LTP1.

  • 8 November 2018:
    • ComReg met with Dense Air for an update on Dense Air’s plans for rollout and to discuss Transition.
  • 7 November 2018:
    • ComReg met with Airspeed for an update on Airspeed’s plans for Transition.

October 2018

  • 18 October 2018:
    • ComReg met with Vodafone for an update on Vodafone’s pilot site trials, future rollout plans and engagement with Imagine.
  • 18 October 2018:
    • ComReg met with Imagine to discuss Transition and Imagine’s plans for future rollout in its new 3.6 GHz Band spectrum.
  • 10 October 2018:
    • ComReg met with Eir for an update on Eir’s plans for rollout and to discuss Transition.
  • 1 October 2018:
    • Following confirmation by Imagine that it was no longer using spectrum in the range 3680 MHz – 3800 MHz under its Transition Protected Licence and recent vacation of spectrum in several areas by Lighthouse and Ripplecom, ComReg commenced Lots under Eir’s Three’s 3.6 GHz Liberalised Use Licences as follows:
      • All Lots in the East Region, most Lots in the Borders, Midlands and West and South West Regions and several Lots in all of the other Regions for Eir; and
      • All Lots in the South West and East Regions, most Lots in the Borders, Midlands and West, Dublin City, Cork City and Galway City Regions and 50% of Lots in the South East, Limerick City and Waterford City Regions for Three.

September 2018

  • 10 September 2018:
    • ComReg met with Three for an update on Three’s plans for rollout and to discuss Transition.
  • 1 September 2018:
    • Following recent vacation of spectrum in several area by Airspeed and Western Broadband, ComReg commenced all Lots in all four Regions under Imagine’s 3.6 GHz Liberalised Use Licence, as Imagine’s 3.6 GHz Band Liberalised Use spectrum was no longer significantly affected by the transition activities of other transition licensees.
  • 1 September 2018:
    • ComReg granted a renewed Transition Protected Licence to Imagine for the period 1 September 2018 to 31 January 2019.

 August 2018

  • 1 August 2018:
    • ComReg granted a renewed Transition Protected Licence to Imagine for the period 1 to 31 August 2018;
    • ComReg granted renewed Transition Unprotected Licences to Eir, Lighthouse, permaNET, and Ripplecom for the period 01 August 2018 to 31 July 2019; and
    • ComReg granted a renewed Transition Unprotected Licence to Airspeed for the period 30 August 2018 to 31 December 2018.

 July 2018

  • 27 July 2018:
    • Vodafone declined the commencement of Lots B1 to B5 in the Borders, Midlands and West Region under its 3.6 GHz Band Liberalised Use Licence.
  • 18 July 2018:
    • Following Imagine’s confirmation that it had retuned its site at Slievemurry, Co. Roscommon to vacate the frequency range 3475 – 3500MHz in line with LTP1, ComReg wrote to Vodafone offering to commence the corresponding Lots B1 to B5 in the BMW Region under Vodafone’s 3.6 GHz Band Liberalised Use Licence.
    • Commencement of these Lots would allow Vodafone’s pilot site at Slieveurry to come on air in line with LTP1.
  • 1 July 2018:
    • Following confirmation by Imagine that it had retuned all its WiMAX sites in Dublin to vacate the frequency range 3475 – 3580 MHz in line with LTP1, ComReg commenced all Lots in the Dublin Region under Vodafone’s 3.6 GHz Band Liberalised Use Licence.

 June 2018

  • 25 June 2018:
    • ComReg received responses from Imagine and Vodafone in relation to the draft Localised Transition Plans for the rollout of the first five Vodafone 3.6 GHz Band pilot sites.
    • On the basis of the Localised Transition Plans (denoted “LTP1”) agreed on foot of the consultation, Vodafone and Imagine proceeded to work together to implement said plans, whereby Imagine would vacate spectrum in the Dublin Region and at a number of rural locations in the South East and Borders, Midlands and West Regions, so that Vodafone could commence pilot sites.
  • 21 June 2018:
    • ComReg issued a consultation to Imagine and Vodafone on draft Localised Transition Plans for the rollout of the first five Vodafone 3.6 GHz Band pilot sites, as recommended by Plum.

May 2018

  • 31 May 2018:
    • Following on from their engagement in relation to Vodafone’s proposed five pilot site rollout, Imagine and Vodafone submitted their proposals for developing Localised Transition Plans to facilitate Vodafone’s proposed five pilot site rollout.
  • 22 May 2018:
    • ComReg staff visited Dense Air’s Dublin office for a demonstration of Dense Air’s 3.6 GHz Band trials.
  • 3 May 2018:
    • ComReg met jointly with Dense Air and Imagine for an update on their cooperation on Transition and 3.6 GHz Band trials.
    • ComReg also met separately with Dense Air for an update on Dense Air’s plans for rollout and to discuss Transition.

April 2018

  • 27 April 2018:
    • ComReg met with Vodafone in relation to Vodafone’s engagement with Imagine on Transition to facilitate Vodafone’s proposed five pilot site rollout.
  • 20 April 2018:
    • ComReg met with Imagine to discuss Transition and Imagine’s engagement with Vodafone in relation to Vodafone’s proposed five pilot site rollout.
  • 10 April 2018:
    • Having determined with Plum that Vodafone’s proposed rollout of five pilot sites would affect several of Imagine’s existing sites, ComReg wrote to Vodafone and Imagine encouraging them to engage in the development of a joint proposal for Localised Transition Plans in respect of same.

 March 2018

  • ComReg and Plum continued to engage with Vodafone in relation to Vodafone’s proposals to deploy five pilot sites in the 3.6 GHz band and finalised assessment of the extent of the potential impact of Vodafone’s rollout proposals on the networks of Transition Licensees.

 February 2018

  • ComReg and Plum engaged with Vodafone in order to clarify and assess the information in its proposals to deploy five pilot sites in the 3.6 GHz band

 January 2018

  • By end January 2018:
    • In response to ComReg’s letter of 18 December 2017:
      • The Transition parties submitted updated information in relation to their Transition Plan Proposals; and
      • Vodafone also submitted detailed proposals to develop Localised Transition Plans for the deployment of five pilot sites in the 3.6 GHz band in 2018.
  • 11 January 2018:
    • ComReg met with Dense Air for an update on Dense Air’s plans for rollout and to discuss Transition.

 December 2017

  • ComReg and Plum determined that the information previously provided in the Transition Plan Proposals was in the main not sufficiently detailed in relation to proposed milestones and timelines for Transition to finalise an overall Transition Plan for consultation among interested parties, that more detailed information needed to be collected from interested parties and that Transition Plan development should focus on facilitating the immediate priorities of Winning Bidders.


  • 18 December 2017:
    • ComReg wrote to the Winning Bidders and Existing Licensees (the “Transition Parties”) to inform them that it would be progressing the development of the Transition Plan on a staged basis by means of Localised Transition Plans, which would be progressed and prioritised where New Licensees have sufficiently-developed plans to roll-out new services.
    • ComReg decided to develop the Transition Plan on a staged basis, rather than as one overall plan, given that:
      • a staged approach would allow it to focus on facilitating the immediate priorities of Winning Bidders;
      • in general the Transition Parties were still in the process of formulating their plans for the band;
      • there were information gaps in the Transition Plan Proposals in relation to Transition Activity milestones for both New Licensees and Transition Licensees;
      • it was not feasible or practical to develop a single overall Transition Plan for 292 Transition Service Areas involved; and
      • not all such Transition Service Areas would be immediately affected by the proposed deployments of New Licensees.
    • In the letter, ComReg requested the Transition Parties to provide more detailed information on their Transition Plan Proposals and in particular requested the Winning Bidders to provide detailed information on their rollout priorities in order to begin developing Localised Transition Plans for same.
    • In the letter, ComReg also highlighted the Transition Plan principles previously set out in the Award documents, which must be balanced in the development of the Transition Plan, namely:
      • Minimise the potential for disruption to existing consumer services;
      • Introduce liberalised licences as soon as possible not unnecessarily delaying the delivery of future liberalised services;
      • Maximise benefits to end users; and
      • Ensure the efficient use of spectrum during the Transition period.

August 2017

  • 1 August 2017:
    • ComReg granted a Transition Protected Licence to Imagine for the period 1 August 2017 to 31 July 2018.
    • ComReg granted Transition Unprotected Licences to Airspeed, Eir, Lighthouse, permaNET, and Ripplecom for the period 1 August 2017 to 31 July 2018 and to Western Broadband for the period 1 August 2017 to 31 January 2018.
    • ComReg and Plum began the process of reviewing the Transition Plan Proposals received and to develop initial drafts of an overall Transition Plan.

July 2017

  • 31 July 2017:
    • ComReg received Transition Plan Proposals from ten interested parties.
  • 12 July 2017:
    • ComReg informed the Winning Bidders and Existing Licensees that it had decided to extend the deadline for submission of Transition Plan Proposals to 31 July 2017 in order to facilitate discussions between the Transition Plan stakeholders informing the development of their proposals.
  • Various dates in July 2017:
    • Representatives of Plum Consulting London LLP (“Plum”) and ComReg met with permaNET, Ripplecom and Three to discuss the formulation of their Transition Plan Proposals.

June 2017

  • Various dates in June 2017:
    • Representatives of Plum Consulting London LLP (“Plum”) and ComReg met with Eir/Meteor, Western Broadband, Lighthouse, Vodafone, Imagine, Airspeed and Airspan (now Dense Air) to discuss the formulation of their Transition Plan Proposals.
    • Plum Consulting London LLP (“Plum”) had been engaged by ComReg to provide expert consultancy services in relation to the development of ComReg’s 3.6 GHz Band Transition Plan.
  • 28 June 2017:
    • By this date ComReg had received one application for a Transition Protected Licence from Imagine Communications Ireland Ltd (“Imagine”) and six applications for Transition Unprotected Licences from:
      • Airspeed Communications Unlimited (“Airspeed”);
      • Eircom Ltd (“Eircom”);
      • Lighthouse Networks Ltd (“Lighthouse”) ;
      • PermaNET Ltd (“permaNET”);
      • Ripple Communications Ltd (“Ripplecom”);
      • Western Broadband Networks Ltd (“Western Broadband”).
  • 27 June 2017:
    • ComReg wrote to the Winning Bidders and Existing Licensees asking that they submit their Transition Plan Proposals by 25 July 2017.
  • 14 June 2017:
    • ComReg invited the existing 3.6 GHz Band FWALA licensees to apply for Transition Protected Licences or Transition Unprotected Licences, as appropriate, if they intended to continue to provide services in the 3.6 GHz Band following the transition period following the cessation of the 3.6 GHz Band FWALA licensing scheme on 31 July 2017, subject to the provisions of the Transition Plan.
    • For further information on Transition Protected Licences, Transition Unprotected Licences and the Transition Plan, please see sections 2.6, 2.7 and 3.8 of the 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Award – Information Memorandum (Document 16/71).