ComReg would like to remind consumers how to block and unsubscribe from mobile premium rate services if they do not require them.
- Mobile operators provide a barring facility allowing consumers to bar premium services in the short code number ranges 53XXX to 59XXX. Please contact your mobile operator’s Customer Care should you wish to avail of the barring option.
- Consumers can unsubscribe from a subscription premium rate service by texting ‘Stop’ to the 53XXX or 57XXX short code they received the message from. The cost to do this will be no more than a standard rate SMS charge. After texting ‘Stop’, you will receive a confirmation message advising you that you are unsubscribed from that service.
- Consumers who wish to check the details of any premium rate service that they are subscribed to can check out ComReg’s premium rate service checker at https://www.comreg.ie/servicechecker/
For further information on premium rate services please see comreg.ie/premium-rate/about-premium-rate-services/overview/
Our Consumer Team is also available to offer further advice and guidance consumer-information/consumer-care/