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ComReg Consumer News Q2 2020

Throughout the second quarter of 2020 (March to June), while we settled into life with Covid-19 restrictions, ComReg welcomed Telecoms Industry commitments to assist consumers during this time and directed readers to our dedicated Covid-19 Consumer Information page.


We published advice on how to top up without leaving your home, how to deal with scam calls and suggested visiting ComReg Compare to get the best value for your needs. We also updated you on our Consumer Line operations information during the crisis.


We launched three new awareness initiatives. The first was on how to get the best mobile experience, the second on premium rate services and the third generating awareness of ComReg’s own Consumer Care complaints handling service which coincided with publication of Q1 2020 statistics for that service. We also reminded consumers who are deaf or hard of hearing that they can use the Irish Text Relay Service (ITRS) and reminded businesses to protect their business phone system from hacking.


In June the need to continue to pay your phone and internet bills as normal during Covid-19 was confirmed. We provided details in respect of ComReg market research published on the impact of Covid-19 on home broadband use and statistics on the take-up and usage of ITRS.


We also posted information on a settlement agreement relating to a finding of non-compliance.


Other consumer related publications during this quarter included a Universal Service Provision of Directory of Subscribers response to consultation and decision and Universal Service Eir Quality of Service performance data for Q3 2019 and YTD 2019-2020 as well as an Information Notice for the Universal Service Review on the provision of public payphones and the proposal to conduct a public consultation.


Publications also included the review of Postal Universal Service Provider Designation response to consultation and decision on Step 1 of the review as well as the Quality of Postal Service Monitor – 2019 Annual Report and a consultation regarding the Step 2 review of Postal Universal Service Provider Designation.


Finally, publications included an Information Notice in respect of undertakings and a penalty and opinions of Non-Compliance issued by ComReg in respect of Net Neutrality.

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